


目:鸭嘴龙超科                          Family           Hadrosauroidea      

时代:白垩纪早期                           Period           Early cretaceous      

栖息地:西非的尼日尔                        Habital           Reppublic of Niger

高度4米                                 Height              4M

长度:7                               Length              7M

重量3629公斤                             Weight             3629KG

食性:草食性                             Diet             Herbivore

特征:横跨整个背部与尾巴的背部帆状物喙状嘴         Characteristics    lt contains a beakand sail shape                                                           stretched over the wole back and tall          


The'sai'of ouranosaurus may help stabilize its body temperature lt walks by its two legs or four legs.Each claw contains a long thumb nail When Ouranosaurus forages for food in pteridophyte plants, the camivores might lie in ambush for them, that makes his thumb nail becomes its most effectiye weapons, which can stab and wound the attacke the Ouranosaurus use its thumb nail as using a dagger.

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