科 目:马门溪龙科 Family Mamenchisauridae
时代: 侏罗纪晚期 Perio Late Jurassie
栖息地:亚洲森林 Habital Forests of Asia
高度:10.7米 Height 10.7M
长度:21米 Length 21M
重量:27215公斤 Weight 27216KG
食性:食草性 Diet Herbivore
特征:显著的长脖子延伸的脊椎 Characteristics Unusually long neck eithextended vertebrae
Mamenchisaurus lived aroud 155million years ago during a very warm and wet period of theEarth's histary This dinosaur may had the longest neck of any other dinosaur,Many paleontologists believe that it sed its massive neck to eat folisge on the ground They believe that Manmenchisaurus would have swung its neck in a giant arc eatingeverything it could eat . Then it Would have taken a step forward ,and started the process over again.